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A warm welcome to the Student Officer Application Portal!


Here you will be able to submit an application for one of the student officer positions available at SAISMUN 2022 in early February. In total there are around 25 positions on offer. These consist of a Head Chair or President per each of the ten committees, and their two respective Deputy Chairs or Vice-Presidents depending on the committee. The deadline to submit this application has been set as October 15, 2021, by 23.59hrs SGT.


We're looking to receive applications from the most enthusiastic, knowledgeable and experienced candidates out there. However, prior experience in chairing is not necessarily a prerequisite to be considered for a position. What matters most, above all else, is your dedication and desire to make a difference in committee. A student officer has a crucial role in the overall conference due to the direct impact they have on the delegates. Thus, we will attempt to scour through the applications to find the applicants that we believe have the potential to lead a committee effectively and professionally, but who are equally able to assist and aid delegates if required.


You have the opportunity to provide us with a short sample of writing, to be no more than 500 words. The question itself is very open ended, so take it as you will. Please refrain from merely reciting your resume here as that should be done in point form in the field that asks about your previous experience. This field is solely to have you express your ambitions and core beliefs when it comes to chairing. You should elaborate on the modus operandi you intend to observe as a student officer and include any previous examples where you've applied this. For those applicants who have no prior chairing experience, we still nonetheless encourage you to apply as we will most certainly consider you for one of the Deputy Chair positions.

Should you have any queries, please contact our Academics Team at and we will get back to you at the earliest possible time. Also, please do pay particular attention to the deadlines to submit this application, as well as those for the research reports to be subsequently completed by successful applicants.


You will find the application form below, best of luck; may the most thoughtful applications prevail!


Warm regards,

Trisha Mukartihal,

Secretary General


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